New Year, New Contact Info, and Software Goosies

New Year, New Contact Info, and Software Goosies

Happy New Year, everyone (I’m not sure I’ll ever get tired of saying that :) 

I’m pretty sure that all of us have felt untethered to a degree, in large part because our industry was built on the value of human interaction and hospitality.  I’ve spent more time than I'd like to admit thinking about our plight, and I've decided that while human interaction has changed drastically, hospitality has not.  Reading hoteliers’ stories, staying connected on Linkedin and on Zoom and watching what my colleagues at HSMAI have accomplished has been truly inspiring.  

I’m sharing my new contact info in the vein of keeping in touch and continuing our conversations.  For some context, after making the difficult decision to leave Tripleseat last February,  I was looking for my next opportunity.  I  had such fun traveling to Hawaii,  LA, Vegas and Austin attending conferences and networking.  Then in March, I sat in on a software demo from iVvy that gave me goosies (more on that later, but yes, I’m that much of a nerd).   Then with the pandemic that prevented travel, and my 4 kids suddenly thrust into at-home learning, I wasn’t just forced to pivot, I pirouetted. I will forever be grateful for Phat Scooters, HSMAI, and my industry family for keeping me engaged during this time.  

While I don’t want to count my chickens, I believe this next chapter will be my best one yet.  As the new Director of Training and Implementation at iVvy, I get to combine all my skills and learning from my roles at Newmarket/Amaedus, Passkey, Tripleseat and as a consultant for the hotel tech industry.   I’m thrilled to have landed at a company that cares about the same things as I do- saving hoteliers time and money, revolutionizing group and event management, and investing in people.

I’m also excited as I just took on the role of President of the HSMAI Boston Chapter.  Our board  has some compelling events planned online and is already drumming up ideas for when we can finally gather in person.  

I’d love to stay in touch and hear what you’re up to.  If you have time to respond and let me know how you’re doing, it would be much appreciated. My new contact info is,  

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